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Please contact us to register your stay. The available places are limited and we need to be sure that the persons who register will come to the event. Don't register if you re not sure to participate.
Contact us concerning your arrival (we could be on location during the day). Arriving on the first day of shootings is after 16.00h. Arrival at Vogelsang is possible during the whole day, meeting place is Malakoff (see Vogelsang event).
Meals are provided between 08.00 and 10.00h (breakfast), possibility to make a packed lunch. Evening meal after the shooting, starting around 18.00h
The planning for the days and the locations can be found at the corresponding event.
Bring your hair wax or hair gel if you need it. Don't put it on before, but at the shooting.
Don't use a suitcase on location, put your stuff in a backpack when we go shooting. A backpack is also a great attribute for the shootings.
Using a backpack as accessory
Each day, we'll try to work around a specific theme. No need to buy specific clothes, but if you have some, bring them with you.
House rules:
A photo studio will be set up in one of the rooms
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Urbex shooting in Spontin